In Canada, health insurance has become more than just a way to protect yourself from unexpected costs. It’s now a tool that can help you improve your overall health and well-being. Instead of just waiting for something bad to happen, your health insurance benefits can help you take steps to prevent health problems in the first place.

This is a big change from how insurance used to work. In the past, insurance was just a safety net that caught you when you fell. Now, it’s more like a springboard that helps you jump up higher.

Benefits of Self-Care

Insurance companies in Canada have begun to realize that taking care of yourself is an important part of staying healthy. That’s why they’re offering more and more paramedical coverage. This type of coverage includes self-care services, like massage therapy, acupuncture, and physiotherapy to name a few.

Massage therapy isn’t just for relaxing anymore. It can also help reduce stress, ease muscle tension, and make you feel more relaxed. Physiotherapy is another important self-care service that can help you recover from injuries, prevent new ones, and move around more easily. So, if you’re looking for ways to improve your health, talk to your insurance company about their self-care coverage.

Psychological Services

In Canada, insurance companies are also starting to cover mental health services, like counseling, and seeing a psychologist. This is because they’re finally realizing that mental health is just as important as physical health. And just like you’d go to the doctor if you broke your arm, you should be able to get help for your mental health without worrying about the cost.

This is a big change because, for a long time, people didn’t talk about mental health as much. And when they did, it was often with shame or stigma. But now, taking care of your mental health is being seen as increasingly critical to overall health. And that’s why insurance companies are starting to cover mental health services.

So, if you’re struggling with your mental health, know that you’re not alone, and there is help available. Talk to your doctor, or find a therapist or counselor. And if you’re worried about the cost, talk to your insurance company. They may be able to help.

Prevention Benefits

It’s encouraging to see insurance companies are expanding their coverage to include more of these self-care and preventative care services. Our physical, mental, and emotional health are all connected. It’s not just about going to the doctor when you’re sick; it’s also about taking steps to stay healthy in the first place.

This change has a lot of benefits (pun intended 😉). First, it encourages people to use their insurance benefits more often to stay healthy, not just when they’re really sick. This means that people can get acupuncture to help with stress management, or get orthotics so you can resume your daily walks, or meet with a dietitian to figure out your food sensitivities. Second, it helps people to be more aware of their own health. When people are more aware of their bodies and minds, they’re more likely to notice problems early on and take steps to fix them.

So, if you’re looking for ways to improve your health, talk to your insurance company about their paramedical coverage and the kinds of preventative measures you could take. They may be able to help you stay healthy and feel your best.

Reducing Costs with Paramedical Services Coverage

Canadian insurance companies are finding that it’s actually cheaper to pay for self-care services than for expensive treatments later on. This is because self-care services can help prevent problems from happening in the first place. For example, regular physiotherapy sessions can help prevent chronic pain, which means people won’t need surgery or medication. And early intervention in mental health issues can help prevent them from getting worse, which means people won’t need expensive treatments.

So, when insurance companies pay for self-care services, they’re actually saving money in the long run. And that’s good for everyone because it means that our healthcare system will be more affordable for all.

It’s also good for our society as a whole because when people are healthy, they’re more productive and they have a higher quality of life. This means that our economy is stronger and people are happier.

So, don’t just think about your health insurance as an expense: take a look at the paramedical services coverage you already have. You might be surprised at how much they can help you get and stay healthy. Take a look at our Pacific Blue Cross Health Insurance options. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

Use Your Health Insurance Benefits and Save